“Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.”

Marcel Proust

French Novelist & Author


Happy holidays

Happy holidays

This is a brief note to thank you for your readership and support throughout 2016. In my last piece for this year these are my reflections and highlights of the year that’s been … It’s been a busy year of reading, writing, and discovery. A personal journey that has...

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2 reminders about ageing

2 reminders about ageing

"Age is just an abstraction not a straight-jacket." This poignant quote from James Cromwell in the movie 'Still Mine' is a striking reminder of how our attitude can limit or expand our view of being older. We probably notice this most when we meet, read, or hear about...

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What’s your Plan B?

What’s your Plan B?

In a perfect world I'd like to remain at home until the end of my life. Wanting this is one thing. Creating the environment in which this is possible is another. Can I really stay at home to the end? Planning is crucial. My plan is to age well. My dream and Plan A is...

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When my Dad died …

When my Dad died …

I was 28. He was 61. At the time I thought he'd had a good innings because he was, after all, 'old'. That was nearly 25 years ago. Now I know I was wrong. What do I think now? He wasn't old. He was in the prime of his life. Given that men and women, on average, live...

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I love long distance train travel.  I love the clickety clack of the wheels on the rails. I love the ever changing, spectacular scenery of the Australian countryside and coast. I enjoy the time to sit and relax. And, I enjoy the people that I meet. Recently I...

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Over 50's Customer Insights Tool
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