“Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.”

Marcel Proust

French Novelist & Author


3 ideas for relevance in retirement

3 ideas for relevance in retirement

If you've heard the term "relevance deprivation" you may be older and possibly retired. Alternatively, you may be between jobs or a parent who has become an "empty nester".  Regardless of your situation, remaining relevant is an individual responsibility.  And it can...

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How old is old?

How old is old?

“I don’t feel my age.” Old isn’t a number. Old is an attitude. Old is more likely to be associated with physical or cognitive decline. Discussions we’ve held with baby boomers reveals that people often feel ten or twenty years (or more) younger than their actual age!...

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Who are the over 50’s in Australia?

Who are the over 50’s in Australia?

The over 50's are a third of Australia’s population. In this 4 part series, we provide insights on baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) encompassing a range of topics from work and health to attitudes and technology. As a burgeoning market, it’s worthwhile...

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Jane Goodall on Ageing: Living a Full Life

Jane Goodall on Ageing: Living a Full Life

Have you ever watched a toddler learning a new skill like walking? The single-minded determination, though they often fall and stumble, is an amazing thing to see. A child has no doubt in their young mind that they will not succeed. They are steadfast in their pursuit...

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