“Our challenge is to make old age not only acceptable but inviting.”
Laura Carstenson
Founding Director of the Stanford Center on Longevity
Whether its books, TEDx talks, or our interviews with industry experts we’re keen consumers of knowledge and information. It’s what inspires us and keeps us updated with the latest evidence. This is a selection of our favourites for you to discover the gift of longer lives and the opportunity that represents.
Mythbusting The Over 50s Market
Why Employing Older People Benefits Business
TEDx Talks
Retirement is redundant
Let’s end ageism
What baby boomers can learn from millennials at work — and vice versa
Expert Interviews
These short interviews with experts in ageing are a stimulus for considering business opportunities based on a new and more empowered conversation about ageing.
Catherine Rickwood rebranded from Three Sisters Group in 2020. Three Sisters Group was established in 2015 and all content has been transferred to this new website.
“If ageism is rampant anywhere it’s in the corporate world.”
“By 2050, one in four people will be over 65 …”
Community engagement
“Over half our population are growing older in rural and regional areas …”
“Community members come up with things you’d never thought of … it’s so important to engage with them from the outset.”
“How can we make age friendly everyone’s business?”
“There’s a real opportunity to build places differently.”