Popular culture would have us believe that once we are forty, we are more or less washed up and on a downhill trajectory. It's easy to agree with this view if our thinking is aligned with cultural conditioning that sees age as a category (of young or old) rather than...
“Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.”
Marcel Proust
French Novelist & Author
positive ageing
When my Dad died …
I was 28. He was 61. At the time I thought he'd had a good innings because he was, after all, 'old'. That was nearly 25 years ago. Now I know I was wrong. What do I think now? He wasn't old. He was in the prime of his life. Given that men and women, on average, live...
Intergenerational job sharing. Dreaming?
A recent report by PwC reveals that increasing employment rates of those over 55 years could add $78 billion to the Australian economy with 83% of this gain attributed to better employment of the 55-64 year olds. What are the implications of this? In their...
I love long distance train travel. I love the clickety clack of the wheels on the rails. I love the ever changing, spectacular scenery of the Australian countryside and coast. I enjoy the time to sit and relax. And, I enjoy the people that I meet. Recently I...
What if …
we measure ourselves against ourselves and not against an external benchmark of what's considered 'normal'. What if we acknowledge that wherever we're at with our health, physical fitness, parenting, caring, work, or any other aspect of our lives is great. The...
Inspiration from Gloria Steinem
At 82 years of age Gloria Steinem remains optimistic, energetic, and still committed to being a leading advocate for women's rights. I had the privilege of hearing her speak about her new book at the Sydney Writers Festival. I came away inspired and motivated. Why?...
Old person in training 🙂
I've recently finished Ashton Applewhite's book: 'This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism'. Applewhite is a skilled writer, thorough researcher, and great commentator on becoming older. One of my favourite takeaways was the idea that we are ALL old people in...
Old or older. Which are you?
Today I'm a little older than yesterday. Tomorrow I'll be a little older than I am today. In 10 years I'll be a bit older again, and 20 years hence, older again. Will I be old? Not if I can help it. Will life be different? Yes. Will life be slightly different...
Why this 7 minutes is inspiring
I rarely read, listen or watch biographies or autobiographies. Sometimes though there's a story that unexpectedly touches and inspires me. This is one of those stories. Read on to hear the story and why I found it so encouraging. What I love most about this story...