Catherine Rickwood’s read, watch and listen holiday list

by Kate Marshall

The festive holiday season is well and truly upon us.  Amongst all the hustle and bustle, planning and preparations, we hope you’re able to find time for some rest and reflection. With this in mind, we’ve put together the Catherine Rickwood ‘Read, Watch and Listen List’. This is our pick of some of the books, movies, shows, and podcasts that we’ve enjoyed throughout the year, as well as some old favourites. So, whichever medium you find most relaxing, sit back, relax and enjoy one or more of these masterpieces.

And if you were wondering – they’re not all about ageing! In fact, each deals with an individual theme central to the human condition.


  1. ‘Daring Greatly’ – by Brene Brown
  2. ‘Wisdom at Work’ – by Chip Conley
  3. ‘The 100 Year Life’ – by Lynda Gratton & Andrew Scott
  4. ‘The Longevity Economy’ – by Joseph Coughlin
  5. This Chair Rocks’ – by Ashton Applewhite

Then there’s also my old favourite – Atul Gawande’s ‘Being Mortal’.


  1. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
  2. Still Mine
  3. Grace & Frankie (available on Netflix)
  4. The Intern
  5. Still Alice

And of course, there’s Catherine’s TEDx talk on why retirement is redundant – now available on YouTube.


  1. How I work – by Amantha Imber, CEO Quantium
  2. Revisionist history – by Malcolm Gladwell
  3. Don’t stop us now – by Claire Hatton & Greta Thomas
  4. Better off dead – by Andrew Denton
  5. Akimbo – by Seth Godin


Catherine Rickwood will be taking some time out over the Christmas and New Year’s break. So until the new year…

We wish you, your friends, family, and loved ones a holiday break filled with love, laughter, joy, and kindness. We look forward to sharing with you more of our findings and insights on our longer lives (and what they mean for people and organisations) in 2019.

And for those who will be staying active on social media, as always, there will be an ongoing stream of the latest research and developments on the TSG Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

Get in touch if you’d like to discuss your over-50s strategy for 2019.


About the Author

Kate Marshall

Kate was a management consultant and project manager who worked for Catherine Rickwood, (previously Three Sisters Group). She is now following her passions as a language teacher and tutor specialising in French and German.

Catherine Rickwood is solutions-focussed, working with innovative organisations keen to improve customer and employee insights and empathy to increase their success in new markets, build loyalty, and increase innovation. She does this using a co-design process that engages employees and key stakeholders to create collaborative solutions. Contact Catherine to discover how her services can support your organisation to harness the changing demographic reality.

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