“Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes.”
Marcel Proust
French Novelist & Author

A strategy for an age diverse workforce – why?
Are you sitting on the sidelines of the conversation about the value of older workers? Or, are you waiting for another organisation to reveal the 'why' before you do something? Perhaps you have a gut feel that there's an opportunity or untapped human resource that...
A strategy for an age diverse workforce – why?
Are you sitting on the sidelines of the conversation about the value of older workers? Or, are you waiting for another organisation to reveal the 'why' before you do something? Perhaps you have a gut feel that there's an opportunity or untapped human resource that...
Can financial planners change the conversation about ageing and retirement?
Yes! In fact at the recent Professional Planners Post Retirement Conference I suggested that financial planners (FP’s) had both an opportunity and responsibility to dig deeper with their clients on understanding ‘retirement’. Typically, clients are seeking clarity...
Seizing the Damocles Sword of Parkinson’s Disease: the Emotional Core of Innovation
I recently accompanied my father to Solothurn, Switzerland for a neurosurgical operation to treat his Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The surgery has led to an incredible, life-enhancing outcome for Dad. However, by meeting the neurosurgeons and learning more about their...
Are smart homes the key to healthy ageing?
It’s time we scrapped the idea of smart homes as the province of the young and digitally savvy. Research shows that smart homes could be the cornerstone of healthy ageing. In fact, smart technologies enable older Australians to live longer, safely, and independently...
Is de-greying your workforce hurting customer experience?
Companies are adaptable, creative and profitable despite the age of their workforce. At least this is what a growing body of research is showing. So why do we have HR policies and practices that, however unintentionally, work to de-grey our workplaces? What are the...
5 steps to housing innovation for the over 50’s
I want to stay at home. Forever. In fact, research by Catherine Rickwood reveals that people are more afraid of going to a nursing home or a retirement village than dying. So what can architects, property developers, and the construction industry do to reimagine and...
Housing: On the edge of disruption?
It’s a well-known fact that Australia’s population is ageing. We’re living longer and healthier than at any other time in history. And increasingly, we’re choosing to stay in our own homes as we age. So what does this mean for architects, builders, town planners, and...
Are older workers considered washed up?
Few organisations have a strategic approach to managing their older workers. This issue persists despite research by Deloitte Access Economics that shows a 3 percent increase in the participation rate of workers over 55 could account for a $33 billion boost to...
3 ideas for relevance in retirement
If you've heard the term "relevance deprivation" you may be older and possibly retired. Alternatively, you may be between jobs or a parent who has become an "empty nester". Regardless of your situation, remaining relevant is an individual responsibility. And it can...
2 benefits of a big, hairy a** goal as we age
Goals have a significant impact on what we do each day, how we live, and how we feel about ourselves. They can be both motivating and disheartening. Motivating when we achieve the goal we set. Disheartening when we under-achieve or miss the goal altogether. Without...
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